Regional representatives of
the Association Viticole Champenoise define the ideal time
for starting the grape harvest; they rely on a series of
samples of selected plots. The harvest period takes about
3 weeks. That has to do with the limited time during which
the grapes are perfectly ripe. The different grape
varieties in the Champagne region are harvested around the
same time. Each ‘vendange’ differs from the previous one:
ripeness of the grapes, the acidity and the alcohol will
be different. Harvesting is completely manually; the
grapes must remain undamaged during picking. They should
be sent undamaged to the wine presses too, in boxes that
are specially made to prevent the skins being in contact
with the grape juice. The return of a vintage is
regulated: the standard production is 10 400 kg / ha, but
each year the ‘Institut National des Appellations
d'Origine’ can determine the return to be higher or lower,
depending on the quality and volume of the harvest. This
yield restriction is complemented by a limitation on the
amount of juice that can be squeezed: 2550 litres of juice
on 4000 kilos of grapes (4000 is the volume to be put in a
traditional grape press). The yield per hectare is about
66 hectolitres. As soon as the grapes reach the presses,
they are weighed and recorded in a register. That way one
can identify them by date and time of picking. They are
pressed per lot (depending on the size of the wine press)
which allows figuring out where they come from. A check on
the minimum alcohol degree is also part of the work to be
carried out. During pressing, the juice is separated: the
first 20.5 hl forms the 'cuvée‘, the subsequent 5 hl is
called the "taille”. The cuvée produces wines with great
finesse, with subtle aromas and a good taste; these wines
also age better. The grape juice is collected in tanks,
called 'cuves de débourbage' where it is purified. At this
point the first fermentation of the grape juice will
start, in order to obtain a fruity and aromatic wine.
After 12 to 24 hours, the juice is transferred to a room
with stainless steel wine vats. Here, the first steps of
the Vinification will take place .

The Doyard-Mahé winery
