After this long rest period,
the wine gets its brightness by removing the residue that
has been formed during the "prise de mousse". This is
called the “remuage”, whereby sediments (yeast and remuage
additives) are collected in the neck of the bottle, and
then removed during the phase of 'disgorgement'. To this
end, the bottles are gradually brought from their
horizontal position into a nearly vertical one, with the
neck down. This way the residue falls into the bottle
neck. At Champagne Doyard Mahé this operation is still
partially manual on wooden tables (‘pupitres') . The
bottles are regularly turned 1/8 or 1/4, and at the same
time gradually placed vertically. The residue falls and
the wine becomes very bright. This phase is followed by
the disgorgement: the residue is removed from the bottle
neck. The neck is immersed in an ice-cold solution (-27 °
C), so that in the neck of the bottle an ice pack is
produced which retains the sediment. As soon as we open
the bottle, the internal pressure causes removal of the
plug, losing only a limited amount of champagne and
pressure. During this operation a small amount of oxygen
will flow into the bottle; it will – together with the
liqueur de dosage which is now added - contribute to the
evolution of the aromatic characteristics of the wine. The
added liquid, which is also known as 'shipping liqueur',
is usually composed of candy dissolved in older champagne.
Check the specifications of our champagnes in order to
know the exact quantities that we use. The dosage is the
last operation of the wine before the bottle is finally
sealed with a cork.

