A bottle of champagne that
is transported over a distance of several hundred
kilometres should rest for a few weeks before you open it.
Keep your bottles horizontally. The cork should remain in
contact with the liquid to prevent it from drying.
Champagne is best stored in a cool place with constant
temperature (12 to 15°C is said to be ideal). There should
not be a too strong air flow, and above all no light.
Vibrations have an adverse effect too. Humidity is not a
real problem, provided that one does not exaggerate (60 to
70% is super). For those who do not have an appropriate
basement, an expensive but effective solution exists: the
wine cabinet. However, avoid wine fridges with a
transparent door. If storage conditions are good,
champagne can be kept three years, and even more for a
millésime. The rule appears to be that champagne can be
stored as long as the maturation process has lasted in the
cellars of the wine grower. The more volume there is in a
bottle, the longer will the acceptable storage period be.
A Magnum for example can be better preserved than a bottle
of 75 cl.
